The Yeronga State High School Senior School Curriculum is purposefully designed to create a world of opportunities for all of our students. We achieve this through our pathways planning processes and an extensive range of Quality Partnerships and Quality Pathways to university, further education and vocational training. Quality teaching is central to these learning opportunities
Quality Pathways
Our Quality Pathways are flexible and based upon the premise that one size does not fit all. As an example students may aim to gain an ATAR for university entry in a particular discipline at the end of year 12. Others may study a certificate III in year 11 in the same area leading to a Diploma instead of completing year 12. The following year they are eligible to apply for a Bachelor Degree having gained both qualifications and valuable career experience. Other students may study a Bachelor of Business or IT at Yeronga High and apply directly to University on the strength of this at the end of year 12. All students have arrived at the same or similar destination having travelled different paths.
Depending on the pathway, students may study at school up to 6 subjects, 5 days per week or with combinations of traineeships, vocational and TAFE courses, distance education and work experience. Students with varied pathways are expertly advised, supported and monitored by our Senior Schooling Team.
In order to facilitate our Quality Pathways emphasis, we intentionally offer an extensive range of subject offerings as can been seen in the Senior Subject Handbook: 2020 Guide.
Quality Partnerships
Our impressive range of Quality Partnerships with external organisations provide an unparalleled world of opportunities for students. Examples of these opportunities include:
- being mentored by business professionals from the Australian Business Community Network (ABCN) through Accelerate, Goals and Focus programs
- engaging with sustainable energy scientists through our membership of the QMEA Gateway to Industry School's Program
- experiencing an Accountancy or Business position with our long standing partner KPMG
- working one day a week in industry through our foundation membership of School Community Industry Partnership Service (SCIPS)
- accessing study opportunities with Griffith University and QUT
Whilst Yeronga SHS is a registered training organisation (RTO) providing VET qualifications in business, media, visual art, retail, construction and furnishing industries, we also have a number of partnerships with privately owned RTOs which enables us to deliver additional Quality vocational qualifications.
All students at Yeronga SHS have the opportunity to benefit from our Quality Partnerships.
Quality Teaching
The Senior School Curriculum is supported by Quality Teaching with staff and pedagogical coaching teams having expertise in:
- Explicit Teaching
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Arts Based Learning (see Yconnect)
- Philosophical Inquiry
- Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classes (TESMC)
Our Quality Teaching reflects our motto Scientia
ac Humanitate: creating knowledge, benefiting all.