Youth Support Coordinator

Chris Perry
Available – Monday - Friday
The Youth Support Coordinators (YSC) provide a confidential service to young people who are at risk of disengaging or who have recently disengaged from education.
Youth Support Coordinators work closely with young people on a voluntary basis and in conjunction with a range of Community agencies, and can make referrals to access the most appropriate support services. They can provide information, support, advocacy and referrals to young people who may be experiencing a range of issues that are impacting their engagement.
The Youth Support Coordinator can help students in several different areas:
- School attendance
- Financial barriers or difficulties
- Accommodation or housing difficulties
- Relationship issues
- Family conflict or changes
- School related issues
Youth Support Coordinators aim to support young people to remain engaged in education, or transition into other training or employment.
Youth Support Coordinators also facilitate group work, do school events, do school programs and community programs in partnership with the school and other community support agencies to ensure that the emotional and social support needs of young people and their families are addressed.