Local schools
Yeronga State High School has close links to our affiliate primary schoools.
Local affiliate schools to Yeronga State High School:
Y Tour
Come and enjoy a personalised tour of the school led by our Year 10 Social Network Leaders. Held regularly throughout the year, a Y Tour is your chance to meet school leaders and have your questions answered.
Bookings can be made here.
Exceptional Learners' Program
The Yeronga State High School Exceptional Learners' Program for affiliated primary school students consists of two days where students particpate in-depth study in a specific learning area. The workshops focus on a particular
topic or theme, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of concepts in
this area.

Yeronga SHS Community Participation Program
We are proud to have established a Yeronga SHS Community Participation
Program. We value contributing or giving back to our community and this program
is a wonderful opportunity for students to raise their leadership profile
within the school.
- School fetes
- Primary school Gala Day
- Mentor/school leaders speeches at assemblies
Interact activities