Quality pathways to success
Our school vision is simplistic yet powerful and is predicated on high standards, solid foundations, innovative practices, strong traditions and the agreed values of:
- Quality
- Harmony
- Sustainability
Our vision and values drives our decision making processes and actions and should be evident in all that we do.
Statement of purpose
At Yeronga we celebrate student diversity and encourage individuality through leadership programs, tailored learning pathways and a nurturing learning environment.
We model our values to students through high standards of personal accountability, social justice and global competence to ensure our students have authentic multicultural school experiences.
We believe in equal access to education and pride ourselves on our deliberate engagement with cultural inclusion as a vibrant and dynamic learning community.
This is Yeronga State High.
As a richly diverse learning community, we are committed to supporting the Department of Education's journey towards a more inclusive education system for all students and will continue to seek guidance through the
State Schools Improvement Strategy 2022-2026—Every student succeeding. We welcome you to read our school's
Inclusion policy.
Students must exit formal education with the knowledge and skills defined by syllabuses and also with skills to promote career opportunities and lifelong learning:
- Communication—literacy, numeracy and technology skills
- Thinking—critical, creative and problem solving skills
- Active citizenship—service to school and community