Winner of Outstanding Contribution to School Community

Jessica Walker
In a context where most parents/carers face extreme hardships but have great dreams, Jessica demonstrated exceptional leadership in accessing involvement of the community to improve learning, engagement, and student success. Her passion to support the unique diversity of students included initiatives such as recruitment of multilingual staff, establishing partnerships, securing funding, and organising support programs. Student success can be described as phenomenal.

Finalist for Excellence in Beginning to Teach Award

Ian Vogt
Ian is an outstanding novice teacher who has demonstrated knowledge, skills, and behaviours that far exceed his years of teaching. He uses a range of data to plan curriculum and deliver differentiated lessons of the highest quality. Ian uses a range of research-based teaching strategies and digital resources to ensure high-level student engagement and success. He consistently reflects on his practice, undertakes regular relevant PD, and improves teaching and learning programs.
Nominee for Excellent Leadership in Teaching and Learning Award

Adrianne Jones
Adrianne is an exceptional HOD who has reviewed, revised, and revitalised the Arts programs at Yeronga SHS. As a reflective practitioner, Adrianne examined student engagement and achievement data and collaborated with a range of stakeholders to improve programs, student engagement, and achievement. Her commitment to self-improvement, development of teacher capabilities, and advocacy of research-based teaching strategies across the school serves as an example for her peers to follow.
Nominee for Excellent Leadership in Teaching and Learning Award

Sam Dilly
Sam is an outstanding leader of teaching and learning for EAL/D students. Through the inquiry process, Sam uses demographic, social, and achievement data to independently as well as collaboratively develop quality programs for students. Sam coaches teachers across the school in the use of effective research - based teaching strategies. Sam's commitment to self-improvement is exemplary and he shares his learning across the school and in the wider community.
Nominee for Excellence in Teaching Award

Vlasta Biros
Vlasta is an outstanding teacher-leader of Mathematics. Upon identifying a problem of practice in teaching and learning for EAL/D students, Vlasta took the initiative and led the development of a range of Maths programs to ensure the success of all students. Currently, Vlasta coordinates and coaches Numeracy across the school supporting teachers to embed the capabilities into the KLAs. Vlasta has participated in a range of PD programs to equip herself and share her expertise with teachers.