Our School-based Youth Health Nurse, Melanie Sullivan, promotes health and wellbeing within the school community. Nurse Sarah is employed by Children's Health Qld and works with students, staff and parents to:
- address concerns about health and wellbeing
- create a more supportive healthy school environment
- connect people to other support services inside and outside of the school.
The School Nurse can also provide health and wellbeing information about:
- healthy eating or physical activity
- feeling unhappy or stressed
- relationships
- healthy skin
- personal and family problems
- sexual health
- smoking, alcohol and other drugs.
Nurse Melanie is available at Yeronga SHS on a Tuesday and Thursday and the office is located in F Block.
Appointments may be made by students, parents or carers by email nurse.yeronga@health.qld.gov.au, and must include the student's full name and year level in the email subject area.
This is a voluntary and confidential service, unless the information is required by law or there is a risk to the young person's safety.