Leadership Opportunities
Students in Year 11 are afforded numerous opportunities to engage in leadership activities. These include the Year 11 leadership camp, Student Representative Council (SRC) and Interact.
Senior students also participate in self-development and awareness programs through our partnerships with the Australian Business Community Network (ABCN) and the Smith Family.
Key programs include FOCUS, Work Inspiration, Certificate I in Financial Literacy, Pathways to Employment Program and the Accelerate Program.

Year 11 Leadership Camp
Yeronga State High School offers enriching and exhilarating camps for students. The Year 11 leadership camp is for students who identify themselves as senior leaders of YSHS. It is also for students who want to further develop their understanding of team work and goal setting.

Yeronga State High School recognises the significance of developing a leadership culture in young people to positively influence attitudes and behaviours to improve the school culture. All students have the potential to develop leadership skills. The camp aims to equip our future leaders with the skills and confidence needed to develop strong leadership. Students will learn about Senior Leadership Preparation Core Skills – inclusion, team building, morale, and peer organisation. They will be exposed to challenging activities that will further develop their leadership skills and ability to cooperate, connect and work together as a team.
The leadership camps are generally held at Emu Gully where the Challenge program is based on historical events and theatres of conflict including WW1, WW2 and Vietnam. Activites that students undergo provide both context and purpose with the opportunity for exceptional outcomes. The focus is on experiencing and demonstrating the core character values of Courage, Mateship, Sacrifice and Perseverance. The core activities include the Western Front, Siege of Tobruk, Bridge over the River Kwai, Tunnel Rats of Vietnam, Hellfire Pass, The Kokoda Track and the Night Walk.

Student Representative Council (SRC)
When students are given the skills and opportunity to lead within their schools, they are empowered to have a real impact on their learning, the school environment and are prepared to participate meaningfully in their community (Black et al, 2014).
Leadership at Yeronga SHS is more than a program, it is an inbuilt belief that in some way all students can be leaders whether or not in formal or 'badged' positions. The SRC provides structured leadership opportunities where students are encouraged and supported in building personal and social capabilities that provide a foundation for student's wider active citizenship.
The SRC is made up of seven committees including: Student Welfare & Engagement, Environmental Sustainability, Culture & the Arts, Recreation & Leisure, the Green Team, Spirit of Yeronga and Serving the Community.