Yeronga State High School junior secondary curriculum plan (PDF, 4.8MB) aligns with the
Australian curriculum whilst ensuring we differentiate learning to target the needs of all our students. We pride ourselves on our one-to-one laptop program and our incorporation of the general capabilities across all subject areas:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Information, Communication and Technology
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Personal and Social Capability
- Ethical Understanding
- Intercultural Understanding
Students engage in core subjects - Maths, Science, English and Humanities (Geography, History and Civics) as well as participating in Health & Physical Education, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and Creative Arts, Performing Arts or Technology electives. Year 7 Students must participate in digital technologies elective to ensure they are prepared for the school’s 1:1 laptop program and the ever-changing digital world of the 21st century.
In addition, our students are engaged in support and extension programs that engage, connect and challenge them. Yeronga SHS is a linguistically and culturally diverse school, with students from varying backgrounds. For this reason, we offer targeted English as an Additional Language classes for core subjects (English, Humanities, Science and Maths). We also offer philosophy classes and an extended pastoral care program to support and embrace our students’ development as young people as they come together from different social, emotional, cultural and experiential familial backgrounds.
Teachers and staff at Yeronga SHS are trained to understand the diverse needs of all our students. The school prides itself on knowing each student and 'value adding' to the learning of every student - from the exceptionally bright learner to those who experience difficulties with their learning.
Our NAPLAN data includes ALL students at the school (many who speak different languages) as well as those from families who have spoken English all their lives. Recent data shows that while many similar schools’ have experienced a decline over the past ten years, Yeronga’s results have remained steady and since 2016, year reading results have improved steadily. This is a testament to the hard work of the students, parents and teachers within the Yeronga SHS community.
As our students progress into middle and senior school, the school's strong 'pathways' focus has produced high level academic and vocational results for students.