Our Middle School provides students with numerous opportunities to participate in various activities and clubs before school, at breaks and after school. Our students are encouraged to be fully engage in all aspects of school life so that can develop important leadership and work ready skills.
Our students are encouraged to become fully engage in all aspects of school life. This includes participating in extracurricular activities such as sporting teams, drama club, social media club, etc.
In the Middle School, our main programs include Year 9 GOALS and Year 10 Student Network Leaders.
Within an environment that fosters a sense of belonging, our Middle School programs provides a rich and diverse learning environment for all students.

Year 9 Camp
Yeronga State High School offers enriching and exhilarating camps for students. The Year 9 camp has a leadership focus. YSHS camp programs have an emphasis on team initiatives, team navigation and other activities requiring interdependence among students for the success of the group. In these programs, students learn that each participant's contribution is vital if the group is to succeed in the task at hand.

Students will have the opportunity to undertake activities such as abseiling, canoeing, and a talent quest night. These activities are designed to build skills and knowledge across the curriculum and provide life experiences. Camp allows students to form new friendships and strengthen the ones they have begun creating since the beginning of the year. Students gain a better understanding of their peers and teachers who will be with them for the rest of their high school journey at YSHS.

Student Representative Council (SRC)
When students are given the skills and opportunity to lead within their schools, they are empowered to have a real impact on their learning, the school environment and are prepared to participate meaningfully in their community (Black et al, 2014).
Leadership at Yeronga SHS is more than a program, it is an inbuilt belief that in some way all students can be leaders whether or not in formal or 'badged' positions. The Student Council Representative Council (SRC) provides structured leadership opportunities where students are encouraged and supported in building personal and social capabilities that provide a foundation for student's wider active citizenship.
The SRC is made up of seven committees including: Student Welfare & Engagement, Environmental Sustainability, Culture & the Arts, Recreation & Leisure, the Green Team, Spirit of Yeronga and Serving the Community.