Athletes Academy
Arts Academy
STEM Academy
School Musical
Whether children have the opportunity to perform in theatre productions or help out behind the scenes, studying Drama and Performing Arts not only engages with the creative side of the brain, it also provides an ideal balance in students' patterns of study.
Budding actors, dancers, stagehands and makeup artists from all year levels meet after school each week in the auditorium preparing for one of the true highlights of the Yeronga school year ...our annual Musical performance!
Our students created and performed to a packed audience each time. They've starred in our Star Cross'd Smash based on Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, various musical, drama and circus performances at our Performing Arts Showcase and our ever popular Junior Performing Arts night that takes you on a journey around the school.

District Sport
Eastern Taipans District School Sport
Metropolitan West School Sport
The Eastern Taipan district is one of the districts within the Metropolitan West Region. The Metropolitan West School Sport provides students with the opportunity to be selected in regional representative teams capable of competing at a state level. Regional trials are conducted in the following sports for 10-19 year olds.
- Australian Rules Football | - Golf | - Swimming |
- Baseball | - Hockey | - Tennis |
- Basketball | - Netball | - Touch |
- Cricket | - Rugby League | - Track and Field |
- Cross Country | - Rugby Union | - Triathlon |
- Football | - Softball | - Volleyball |
- Futsal | - Surfing | - Water polo |
Click here to view information regarding regional and state championships for each of the sports.
Click here to view a calendar of all District and Met West Trials.
Clubs & Societies
Yeronga SHS offers a variety of clubs and activities to engage students before and after school. More clubs often develop based on student interest. Please click on the link below to view the Yeronga SHS Clubs and Events Handbook.
Social Network Leaders
The Social Network Leaders form a group of committed and caring students in Year 10. The group welcomes EALD students new to our school and helps them become part of the Yeronga State High School Community. As Social Network Leaders, students support young people newly arrived from diverse cultural backgrounds during their settlement in Australia to provide information regarding schooling in Australia. Milpera State High School transition support days are where Social Network Leaders facilitate educational and peer relationship-building activities for students from refugee and migrant backgrounds to provide practical advice and peer support before they transition to mainstream schools across Brisbane.
Our Social Network Leaders also organise Harmony Day ceremony/activities and lead Y-Tours for parents around the school. Being a Social Network Leader is a stepping-stone to future leadership positions at Yeronga State High School.
SET Planning
In Year 10, students developed a Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan.
The SET plan helps students:
- structure their learning around your abilities, interests and ambitions
- think about their education, training and career options after Year 12
- set and achieve their learning goals in Years 11 and 12, and beyond
- include flexible and coordinated pathway options in their course of senior study
- communicate with their parents/carers or teachers/careers counsellors about their post-school plans.
Student's SET Plan are reviewed regularly to make sure the subjects and learning are right for the student, and that they can maintain a pathway to the courses and career they want after Year 12.
If students would like to make a change to their subjects or courses, it is important that they discuss this with the Senior Schooling HOD, Guidance Officer, Deputy Principal of Senior School or Dean of Senior School. Students must have approval from the school before changes are made.
Growing Opportunities and Learning Skills - GOALS
Yeronga SHS is proud to be a foundation partner school of the Australian Business Communities Network (ABCN). The ABCN has enabled thousands of students from across the nation to connect with mentors from the business world that work with students on a range of career development programs. GOALS is a signature program that highlights the importance of setting SMART goals and developing the ‘soft skill’ so richly sought after in the 21st Century. GOALS students complete 5 workshops over 4 months on site at partner companies such as Microsoft, Visionstream and Optus culminating with mock job interviews and a completion ceremony which requires mentors and students to share their person growth through the program with the group.