Junior and Middle School Digital Technologies
The digital technologies curriculum enables students to become confident and creative developers of digital solutions through the application of information systems and specific ways of thinking about problem solving.
Students acquire a deep knowledge and understanding of many different types of technology and their specialised languages, as well as cyber security, data and information. They develop their skills through project-based learning to create digital solutions so that they can take up an active role in meeting current and future needs within the IT and cybersecurity fields.

Junior School (Years 7 and 8)
In Years 7 and 8, our digital technologies elective teaches students how to apply both technical and creative skills to design solutions to problems. In order to develop these solutions students will be taught to use design-thinking to brainstorm, conceptualise and create their finished products using a variety of coding and programming languages to develop a range of applications and systems. This elective provides students with a broad range of skills in coding and robotics that will prepare them for middle school digital technologies subjects and develop project management skills that will be useful in many areas of their life.

Middle School (Years 9 and 10)
Year 9 and 10 Digital Technologies
In our Year 9 and 10 Digital Technologies electives students interested in IT, coding and programming get to further pursue their interest in creating digital solutions for real world problems. Students explore microcontrollers like arduinos and micro:bits and how they can incorporate sensors into programmed solutions. They also develop their skills in HTML and CSS to create webapps as well as object-oriented programming through the development of programs like apps and games using Python. Students develop key skills with project design and management that can be used in a vast range of careers within and beyond IT.
Senior School (Years 11 and 12)
Information and Communication Technology Applied
Through this course, students apply technical skills to a variety of tasks in order to design and produce solutions to ICT problems. They explore the elective contexts of digital imaging and modelling, website development, application development and layout and publishing. They engage with a problem solving process to complete a project that will include a final product at the end of each elective context e.g. a website, an app, a game.