English is the gateway to knowledge, the language of opportunity and one of the most widely spoken languages throughout the world. The English language provides students with a platform to some of the world's greatest literature and the ability to become a successful communicator across various fields of learning, long into the future. Yeronga SHS prides itself on providing students with opportunities to become critical thinkers, active communicators and evaluative learners, who are equipped with the skills to become successful, lifelong learners. This is achieved through targeting key literacy skills that assist students to interpret, analyse and evaluate a range of texts, whilst supporting the development of language acquisition; cultivating an appreciation of literature and creation of texts. Here at Yeronga SHS, our teachers are passionate enthusiasts of English and through differentiated curriculum opportunities they seek to provide students with the opportunity to delve into a world of possibility, creativity and exploration - where students will ultimately be challenged to achieve.

Junior Secondary (Years 7 and 8)
Subjects offered:
Middle School (Years 9 and 10)
Subjects offered:
- Core English
- Pre-Senior Pathways English - English; English as an Additional Language (EAL); Essential English

Senior School (Years 11 and 12)
Subjects offered:
- English (General subject)
- EAL English (General subject)
- Essential English (Applied subject)
The Reading for Success Program is one of the ways we support our culturally and linguistically diverse student community. The program plays an ongoing and integral part of our school's commitment to its values of Quality, Harmony and Sustainability, enabling our students to better and more equitably access the Australian curriculum. Additionally, where possible, support classes are provided in the Junior School to assist students improve their English curriculum outcomes.
English Extras
Students at Yeronga SHS are provided with additional opportunities to engage in various English related activities including: competitions, excursions, community partnerships and programs to challenge and develop their passion and skill set.

- Philosophy
- Queensland Debating Union
- Slam Poetry Competition
- Y-Connect
- Impact - Critical Thinking
- Brisbane Writer's Festival
- Lion's Youth of the Year (Years 11/12)
- Exceptional Learners Program
- Literacy Week
- Reading Hour (see recommended reading list)
- Reading Challenge