The Arts department at our school is an exciting, vibrant, highly interactive, department that offers a range of subjects and extra curriculum. We believe in the power of the visual and performing arts to support deep learning and engagement. We also know from research that the arts provide a range of pathways to careers, Tafe and universities. Creative intelligence leads to better focus and commitment which boosts motivation and outcomes in all other areas. Our department was an integral part of the research for the YConnect Project which confirmed that the arts can change lives, create connections to learning, and a sense of belonging to school.
Our school incorporates a model that uses artists embedded in curriculum to extend pedagogy and learning. We include musical artists, circus artists, actors, physical theatre/movement artists, comedians, directors and playwrights to enrich our daily classroom practice. In addition, we ensure our students see a range of performances both in and out of school, for example at La Boite, QPAC and Powerhouse.

Junior School (Years 7 and 8)
Year 7
Year 8
- Drama
- Music
- Visual Art
- Dance
Middle School (Years 9 and 10)
Year 9
- Drama
- Music
- Visual Art
- Dance
Year 10
- Drama
- Music
- Visual Art
- Dance
Senior School (Years 11 and 12)
Years 11 and 12
- Drama
- Music
- Drama General
- Drama in Practice
- Music General
- Music in Practice
- Music Extension (Year 12)
- Visual Art General
- Cert III in Visual Art
Instrumental Music
- Brass woodwind percussion following Education QLD syllabus
- Piano tutoring aligned with AMEB syllabus
- Strings (violin, viola and cello) following Education QLD syllabus
- Voice tutoring and workshops
- Guitar, bass guitar and ukulele tutoring and workshop
Extracurricular Activities
- Yeronga SHS Choir
- Concert band
- Rock bands
- Performing Arts club (Drama)
- Dance Club
- Opera ensemble
- Circus with Circa
- Musical (every second year)
- Special film group
- Industry music group (Producing, recording and songwriting)
- "On the Green" lunchtime performances