Yeronga State High School celebrates the range of experiences, languages and cultures that students from diverse backgrounds bring to our school community.
Students arrive from:
- Milpera State High School (a State reception centre for new arrivals who come from language backgrounds other than English)
- Primary schools
- Other high schools
- Directly overseas
EAL/D Organisation
There are a range of programs and supports available to Students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect who require support in English language development.
Junior and Middle School (Years 7 to 10)
Learners in these grades are placed into curriculum subjects where they are given support in English language acquisition alongside their peers. They are taught using strategies to develop their academic English by teachers who have specialist training in Teaching in English in Multilingual Classrooms. They also have opportunities to seek help with classwork and assessment from the EALD Coordinator. Students identified as needing more targeted language support are also enrolled into an English Learning Goals class with a specialist EALD teacher.
Senior Secondary (Years 11 and 12)
EAL/D learners in the Senior Phase of Learning are placed in mainstream classes. EAL/D teachers still work with these students to help them acquire English as an additional language. Students have a range of support mechanisms available to them through:
- Yeronga SHS delivers the General subject English as an Additional Language. This enables students to access University through an English subject with a greater focus on grammar
- The Applied subject, Essential English is also available
- Access to an EALD Senior Support class with a specialist EALD teacher, as well as lunchtime support sessions
- A range of Certificate courses (please refer to Senior Subject Handbook for further information)
- Visits to and from universities to promote understanding of and provide support with the Queensland tertiary context for students