The world is becoming increasingly diverse, both in the immediate environment and on a more global level. This
diversity involves many different ways of knowing, behaving, communicating and thinking. Learning a language other
than English provides access to these different ways and opportunities to broaden understanding of self and others.
Study in these subjects increases career and employment opportunities, and improves access to the systems of digital
communication and representation which are increasingly a core component of students’ lives in and out of school.
The study of a foreign language is mandatory in Queensland high schools in Years 7 and 8 and is organised into sequential semester units of work. Students at Yeronga SHS can elect to study Chinese, Japanese or Spanish in Year 7 and 8. In Years 9 onwards currently the language is Chinese. Japanese and Spanish. Students will study a language for ONE semester in Years 7 and 8. To study Chinese in the senior school, students must have studied five semesters of Chinese across Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Chinese, Japanese and Spanish (Years 7 to 9)
Students undertaking Chinese, Japanese and Spanish in the junior grades will get the opportunity to build upon the fundamentals of the language. Unit topics include but are not limited to Greetings, My Personal World, School Life, People & Places, Hobbies & Entertainment and Food, Food, Food! Step into a junior languages classroom and you will often see many language games, activities and songs, which are used to liven the classroom.

Chinese (Years 10 to 12)
A competitive edge in ATAR scores can be achieved by students undertaking the ATAR eligible Senior Chinese (Mandarin) Program. Unit topics include My World, Exploring Our World, Our Society, and My Future, which are aimed at language use in real-life environments. This program provides students with strong language skills, 21st Century Asia Literacy skills, and a deep level of intercultural understanding. These skills are highly valued in the contemporary Australian and international workforces including career pathways toward management and leadership positions.

VET Chinese (Years 10 to 12)
Yeronga State High School was the first school to develop and deliver Chinese language programs in Queensland through the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. We offer Certificate II and Certificate III in Applied Languages (Chinese Mandarin) with a vocational focus on tourism and hospitality. VET plays a very important role in senior secondary education where VET certificate courses are nationally recognised and endorsed qualifications within the Australian Qualifications Framework. Our focus on Chinese for tourism and hospitality contexts is a high priority industry focus for Queensland and prepares students for the real world of work. Qualifications are based on industry endorsed competency standards and are recorded on the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). A unique feature of our offerings is that international students can study a VET course under the Yeronga State High School scope of registration.
RTO Name: Ripponlea Institue 21230
Qualification Codes: 10949NAT Certificate II in Applied Languages (Chinese)
11074NAT Certificate III in applied Languages (Chinese)
Yeronga SHS students visit Browns language college, a feeder language school for our International program.
Year 10 and 11 Lone Pine Visit
Year 10 and 11 students in the Certificate II in Applied Languages class attend an excursion each term. Students are given different study topics and dialogue scripts were created for students to perform at the excursion to put their newly learned language skills on display. This program is sponsored by the QUT and Queensland Trade Investment.
Senior Secondary (Years 11 and 12)
At Yeronga State High School we have a number of students studying German, Vietnamese, Spanish, Arabic, and French. These subjects are offered off-line either through tutorial lessons one afternoon a week or through the Brisbane School of Distance Education (BSDE).
Please note: subjects studied through the BSDE may attract a small annual fee.